Twin Lakes Bible Camp

Twin Lakes Bible Camp

Friday, March 5, 2010

Be-attitude #3

"Blessed are the meek, for they will inherit the earth." Meek is not the same as weak. Jesus gives the best example of "power under control" when He interacted with the Jewish religious leaders. He very strongly confronted their pompous religiosity but without sinning. So even in conflict, Jesus loved the individual with appropriate words and actions. Proverbs teaches that "a gentle word turns away wrath."
This third beatitude is another striking example of the backwards and upside down nature of God's economy compared to man's. It would seem logical that the bold and ferocious would inherit the earth. But God says that the inheritance belongs to the mild mannered. Speaking of mild mannered, how about Superman. There is a picture of power under control. I'm not sure I am ready to make a theological parallel here, not just yet.
Next step - hunger. Is it time for lunch?

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